PDO School Newsletter

7th October 2021

Dear Parents,

I hope you and your families did not suffer too much during the recent cyclone. The school experienced some damage, but once the water, power and wifi were fixed, it became apparent that the school could resume as normal.

This first term is quickly coming to an end. The children have settled very well into new routines and have been working really hard with their teachers to recap on previous learning, which will ensure that everyone has a strong foundation on which to build their new learning.

Staff have been planning creatively to incorporate some engaging activities in which the children can participate without breaching any Covid safety parameters.

Changes to Class Names

The 'P' system for naming classes has created some difficulties for a number of our previous pupils who are currently trying to access university. The Ministry of Education in some countries is not accepting the equivalent class grades/names, and a great deal of communication and paperwork has been generated in order to secure further education places for these students. In order to alleviate this problem and to align with the National Curriculum, as well as aligning with all our teaching resources, the class names will change to Year Groups.

P1 = Reception (age 4-5)

P2 = Year 1 (age 5-6)

P3 = Year 2(age 6-7)

P4= Year 3 (age 7-8)

P5 = Year 4 (age 8-9)

P6 = Year 5 (age 9-10)

P7 = Year 6 (age 10-11)

To assist with this transition, we will put both the 'P' reference and the year group on all documents for the remainder of the academic year.


Teachers from P2-P7 have created a unit of work to celebrate and learn about our wonderful host country...Oman! Each phase will learn about a different area within Oman and children will develop skills in History, Geography, Art and Design & Technology.

We will begin with an exciting Entry Point during the first week back after the half-term break. Look out for photographs on your child's class page!

Omani National Day will also be celebrated during this unit of work...we are planning some awesome activities and further details will follow.

Musical Enrichment

Lunch and Break Time Music Enrichment

Lunch/break time music enrichment started two weeks ago and so far it has gone extremely well. The uptake on activities was far greater than forecast and extra time has been allocated to cover overspill classes.

Things are certainly looking up, with Phase 1 children expelling some energy in our Movement to Music break time sessions. Phase 2 and 3 have been enjoying activities such as Ukulele, Keyboard, African Drumming and Staff Wars. We have even restarted the higher ability performance groups, Cross Strings and Take Ten.

For National Day and as part of the Beautiful Oman IPC topic, a small selection of P7 children will be preparing a performance of the Oman national anthem, in a very well ventilated and socially distanced rehearsal environment.

Most lunch time enrichment classes are currently full, but please contact me if your child is interested, so that I can place them on the waiting list.

PDO After School Enrichment Programme

I am also delighted to announce that on a reduced scale, we will be recommencing the PDO After School Enrichment Programme from the end of October. The main aim is to restart fully in Term 2 as smoothly as possible and with the minimum of disruption. Therefore, the remaining weeks of Term 1 will be used to trial any new formats and procedures before we can move forward. Covid related restrictions are still ongoing, so as safely and securely as possible, it is imperative to find the best ways to work with them. As much as we begin to look forward to a greater sense of normality, the safety of our children, staff, the PDO community and everyone across Oman remains a priority.

The initial after school activities will include PE, Music and Art. Places will be divided between open and invited courses and these will be made available shortly, once details and procedures have been finalised.

Despite the temporary limitations, it is extremely uplifting and encouraging to restart our PDO School Enrichment Programme and I am sure that your children will gain enormous benefit from it. However, please be mindful of the fact that due to Covid and timetabling restrictions, the number of spaces and opportunities may be reduced for a while. Most courses after school are decided on a first come basis and availability for lunch time courses is solely at the discretion of the course leader. I understand that it can be disappointing and frustrating if you are not able to sign up for your desired course, but please be patient and respectful. Enrichment is not part a teacher’s contracted time and they volunteer their services to your children, free of charge.

If you have any questions, please email me at the address below.

Gary Ruston

Music Specialist and Leader of Enrichment


Snapshot of Posts from the Class Pages:

Here is a post from each phase showing recent learning.

Early Years

(Nursery & Reception/P1)

In Early Years we are so happy to have the children all settled into a daily routine. This year, rather than topics we are having a weekly story that we focus on.

Our current stories have included opportunities to learn and talk about colours and patterns.

Through Brown Bear, the children have been naming colours and retelling the story. They have had the chance to explore colours by mixing them together and talking about what they can see.

This week and next, we are exploring the story Socks and looking at different patterns. We will be naming patterns, drawing them and making our own repeating patterns.

Phase 1

(Y1/P2 & Y2/P3)

Pupils in P2 have been learning about numbers from 1-20 and have been working on Number Sense and Place Value. We love comparing and ordering numbers from smallest to greatest and are looking forward to exploring the concept of parts and whole next.

Our featured text this term, 'Where the Wild Things Are' has been an enjoyable read and acts as a stimulus for other exciting activities in Art and IPC. Children have used this text to explore new vocabulary (through scavenger hunts in the Learning Souk) and sentence building.

Children have begun to take home books, so do make sure to ask what they're reading, they love to share -- it's also great for their reading comprehension.

Phase 2

(Y3/P4 & Y4/P5)

Let's Get Writing!

Pupils in P4 have begun writing their Persuasive Letters to stop the destruction of the rainforest.

The letters are linked to the book, 'The Great Kapok Tree' which they have been reading in class. They have been using lots of persuasive devices in their letters, including using facts and explaining the consequences of deforestation upon the rainforest animals.

Perhaps they can practice their persuasive writing skills on you? Why not ask them to write a letter about something they would love to receive and see if they can convince you to grant their request!

Phase 3
(Y5/P6 & Y6/P7)

P6 have been reading 'Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone' by J K Rowling with great excitement. During Guided Reading sessions, they have demonstrated their understanding of the text by using VIPERS strategies to answer a range of questions.

Children have used the text as a stimulus for a variety of writing opportunities, for example an internal monologue, a diary entry, a descriptive paragraph and an informative leaflet.

They are currently learning how to write a persuasive speech. They are really improving their ability to write for different purposes and audiences.

Rainy Day Factors Challenge

Thank you for your entries to the Factors Challenge - there were over 30 of them. Well done to those who got every number by selecting zero. However, fairly or unfairly, I'm not going to accept those answers.

The winning numbers are:

84, 90, 96

which have 26 unique factors between them.

Well done to Sanvi Sharma in P6D!

Mr Dave

( https://sites.google.com/pdoschool.com/rainy-day-activities/home )

Physical Education


As mentioned in our last Newsletter, we are pleased to announce that we will be starting swimming again after the Half Term break. Once again, we will be collaborating with Britswim using the STA School Swimming levels. Initially, the coaches will assess the current ability and split the groups accordingly depending on their current swim level. We will then progress through the STA swimming levels and run assessment days when the pupils are ready to award and celebrate their improvements and successes.

Your child's swim days will be as follows:

Year 1 /P2J Monday

Year 1/P2D Tuesday

Year 2/P3 Monday

Year 3/P4 Monday

Year 4/P5 Monday

Year 5/P6 Tuesday

Year 6/P7 Tuesday

They will need to bring: towel, goggles, swimsuit, flip flops/crocs, water bottle and a spare mask. They will also need to bring a separate swim bag to keep their belongings in. We have put in place new procedures and plans for our safe return to swimming and look forward to providing this opportunity again for our pupils.

Sports Enrichment

After Half Term we will also be recommencing our enrichment programme after what has felt like an eternity. Unfortunately, this does not yet mean a full return to contact sport and competition, but we will be able to spend more time with the children to develop their skills and have some additional fun outside of the classroom.

We will start by offering mixed games for both Phase 2 and 3 pupils. This will give us the flexibility to change the game each week as restrictions allow. We hope in Term 2 we can return to a more traditional offering of the favourites: basketball, dodgeball, football, benchball, rounders, T ball, volleyball etc... It has been a long time and we are grateful at the moment that any additional sport is starting and hope this will be the start of our return to our full programme. Unfortunately due to the complexity of the current situation and the staggered break times, I am unable to offer activities during breaktimes due to other P.E. lessons taking place.

In Term 2 we also hope to recommence our swimming enrichment. Once we have had a chance to assess the swimmers in the remainder of Term 1, our Britswim coaches will be able to select a group for additional sessions to form part of our development swim squad for future events. More information will follow in Term 2.


Muscat Primary Sports League

The return to Enrichment will undoubtedly raise the question about when MPSL will restart. As it stands, interschool competition is currently restricted. However, we have been in discussions with other schools regarding online options that we are looking into. In addition to this, I have shared details on two competitions that we would like to host as soon as restrictions are lifted. We are confident that we can host these safe and fun events that will allow for competition to return for our pupils that have missed out over the past 2 years.

Watch this space...…..

Dates for your Diary:

Half-term holiday - week commencing 17th October

School reopens - 24th October

Assessment week for children - 24th October

BSM Taster day rescheduled - TBC

Parent-Teacher Consultation Meetings - 8th November

National Day - 18th November school celebrations will be closed due to National Day Celebrations (TBC)

Wishing you and your family a pleasant weekend,

PDO School Team