P6j Class 2021/22

p6 titanic / space exit point

P6 children were excited to shared their learning from our 'Titanic' unit. Parents had the opportunity to view the children's iceberg information posters; plotted latitude and longitude coordinates for the route taken by the famous cruise liner; used primary sources to decide who was to blame for the disaster and even took part in quizzes and 'deck games'.

Children also shared their amazing space-themed pop-up books and narrative writing, which were linked to the short stories we have studied in English. Thank you to all the parents for attending.

To see more photographs, click here.

Art Day

For Art Day, the children got to experiment with clay in order to create three dimensional portraits. We moulded and sculpted the clay to achieve a variety of shapes and effects.


Design: Interactive Space Books

This term, we have been creating interactive books based around a space theme. These fact files were brought to life with spinners, flaps, moving parts and pockets containing informational slips.

To achieve all of these things we had to explore lots of different techniques and adapt when initial plans did not work. This required critical thinking as well as the ability to follow step-by-step instructions.

We are looking forward to showing you these books during our exit point!


ipc: latitude and longitude

Children have been learning about lines of latitude and longitude and how they are used to locate position on Earth.

This week, children are using maps and atlases to plot the route taken by the Titanic. They will consider the physical features of the North Atlantic Ocean and will learn about iceberg formation.

Finally, they will create a poster to demonstrate their geographical knowledge in relation to the Titanic.

reminder: platinum jubilee celebrations

On Thursday June 2nd, your child is invited to wear red, white and blue clothing to mark these celebrations. Alternatively, if they would like to wear the colours of their home country flag, we would welcome this also.

ipc: titanic history

This week, children became historians and used a range of evidence (primary and secondary sources) to make inferences about what happened on board the Titanic. They analysed testimonials in order to decide who was to blame for the tragedy and considered how bias could influence viewpoint.

Practical Maths - Measure



Over the past couple of weeks, we have been learning about capacity, length and mass. Although the children are good at converting between units of metric measure and problem solving, it was important to get hands on and apply these skills practically. This went hand in hand with the ability to estimate based upon known facts. The children made more and more accurate estimates/predictions about length and mass - showing a true understanding of each unit of measure.


Mocktail Measures

This week, we are revisiting different units of metric measure. Today we have focused on the practical side of measuring capacity. In order to do this, we needed to convert between litres and millilitres before measuring out juices to create mocktails.

Throughout the week, we will also be learning to measure and convert different units of length and mass.

Writing in character: inner monologue

Children analysed a conversation between 2 characters, Bodoni and Bramante, and wrote an inner monologue to show Bodoni's thoughts and feelings about it. They tried to capture his frustration, the inner conflict he felt and the fact that he may also reluctantly come round to the older man's point of view.

Space Stories Pic

english: ray bradbury's space stories

This week, we began our new unit of work based around Ray Bradbury's space-themed short stories. Children were introduced to the first story , 'The Rocket', which was written in the 1950s and is set in a future society where space travel and colonisation of planets is a reality. They began to analyse the start of the story, exploring new vocabulary and gaining an insight into the main character, Bodini.

titanic entry point

Children dressed up in their finest clothes today and spend the afternoon on board the Titanic. They took part in activities such as shuffleboard, cricket, deck quoits, bull board, tennis, chess, draughts and dominoes. They began to develop their understanding about what it would have been like to travel on board this infamous ship. For the full photo album, click here.


titanic entry point

Monday 16th May 2022

Please wear your finest clothes for this splendid occasion.

If you have a PE after school activity, please bring your kit in a bag to change into after school.

World Book Day

Children in P6 enjoyed a fantastic (belated) World Book Day today, from buying books at the book shop, taking part in the parade, assemblies and quizzes and working on their pop-up space books. Thank you to all parents for supporting with costumes and art work and congratulations to the winners!

What a great day!

space-themed poems

Children read a range of space-themed poems and worked collaboratively to answer VIPERS-themed questions to show their understanding.

It was a great way to ensure they were all wide awake and ready to learn after the break.

project: pop-up space books

This term, our English reading is centred around space-themed short stories. To launch this unit, children are designing and making their very own pop-up space books.


Children will use books and the Internet to research their particular aspect of space, as well as collating their own glossary for new vocabulary about space.

planning and writing

Children will plan the layout of their books and begin to write up paragraphs of information.


Children will experiment with how to make parts of the book moving for example by cutting and joining materials.

Welcome to term 3!

We hope you all had a lovely break and that everyone is refreshed and ready to take on the final term of P6.