P4L Class Page

Posts Term 3

making stretching cats

Today different groups created stretching cats. We watched a video and then followed the instructions step by step. Cooperation was important as we supported our partners. We used our measuring skills to accurately make the sections needed for the cat. We designed some patterns on the back, added collars and toys and some children even made mini versions.

Jasper Cat

Measuring and Designing

A Clowder of Cats

(Clowder is the collective noun for cats)

Happy Children Happy Cats

fun days

We are all looking forward to the two fun days, tomorrow and Wednesday. The children are allowed to wear their PE kits on these days.


Durations or Elapsed Time

How long did an activity last?

What time did an activity start or finish?

This week we have been working out durations of time including working out times before and after. We used analogue, digital and the 24 hour clock. The children found that using a line similar to a numberline or 'timeline' the easiest way to work out durations of time.

english - writing a new chapter

This week we have used a scene from the 1964 version of the Mary Poppins film to collate vocabulary and ideas for writing an new chapter. The version fo the book we are reading is an 'abridged' version, meaning that not all the original chapters are included. We used the scene where Mary Poppins, Bert and the children jump into a picture to enter 'Fairyland'. Writing vocabulary we heard and describing the scenes helped us to construct sentences to use in our chapter.

art work this term

These are our final pieces of art from this term.

The sunset pictures were created on art day and our fabric designs were completed during the art lessons.

art day

We linked our IPC learning and our Art Day work. We looked at and analysed different island sunset pictures which had silhouettes. We discussed hot and cold colours and practised creating marks with both chalk and oil pastels. After sketching a design, we chose 1 medium to work with and created a sunset picture. Next, after evaluating the pictuee we tried to improve our sunset. Finally we created our final piece and added the silhouette.

english - poetry

This week we have looked at shape poetry and evaluated which poems we liked the most. We then planned a poem about Mary Poppins using similies, description, adverbs, alliteration and onomatapeia. After writing phrases, we worked in pairs to choose the lines we wanted to put into our poems as well as editing and ordering them in different ways.

Maths - telling the time

This week we have been practising telling the time to five and one minute intervals on both analogue and digital clocks. Everyone has done really well. We have found changing from analogue to digital for TO the hour challenging but we have persevered. We also linked our learning on Roman Numerals to telling the time on a clock.

Telling the time is one of the key skills that can be practised at home. There are also websites on the Learning Portal the children can use in order to practise telling the time.

Next week, we will look at the 24 hour clock, time durations and timetables.


We have spent a few weeks looking at fabric patterns from around the world and identifying themes. During this half term, we have practised sketching different designs and choosing the ones we preferred. Next we planned a piece of fabric, thinking carefully about the patterns we would use. We then transferred this design onto brown paper. Finally we practised using different mediums such as colour pencil, chalk pastels and oil pastels to see which one would be more suited to colour our design. These are a few of our final pieces. The children are looking forward to sharing their learning process next week in the Exit Point.

english- Vocabulary

We played the word association game, where one person says a word and a partner needs to think of a word that links to that word. In pairs, we played this games a few times. Next, we played the game using words to describe Mary Poppins. Some words were banned for example.....magic, strict, bossy, imagination.

Try this at home. Think of a word and see where you end up!

english- diary writing

This week we have written a diary entry from the viewpoint of Miss Lark in Mary Poppins. We discussed the types of vocabulary this character might use in her diary and what thoughts and feelings she would have. Planning each paragraph as a class, helped us organise our writing. We needed to use a variety of coordinating and subordinating conjunctions in our sentences as well as using the key features of a diary.

Maths - telling the time / intervals

In Maths we have revisited telling the time on analogue and digital clocks. We have also discussed days in a week, days in a month, months in a year as well as organinsing dates in the correct order. We have learnt why there is a leap year every four years as well as converting times from days to hours, hours to minutes and minutes to seconds.

IPC - island research

In IPC we have researched one of the many islands we thought of as a class. We had to use Google Maps to describe the location using the contient, country and ocean as well as using the directions of North, South, East and West. Then using a mixture of Google Maps and websites we found out about the human and physical features of the island. We presented our findings to the class. The rest of the class had to use an atlas and our description of the location to find our island on a world map.

english - mary poppins

We have started the book 'Mary Poppins' by P.L. Travers. We have read the first few chapters as a class, answered literal and inferred questions as well as dicussing the characters in the story. We are now planning a diary entry from the perspective of either Jane or Micheal, the two children in the book. We will recount the chapter about the 'laughing' tea party. During our planning, we tried to use vocabulary that would suit the character, describe the setting and characters as well as writing down our thoughts and feelings about the tea party.

Maths - capacity / volume 2

We have looked at the scales / intervals that might be found on beakers, measuring jugs and measuring cylinders. We had to identify what each 'line' or interval went up in, in order to work out the volume.

We also estimated and then read the volume in different sized containers.

This is a skill that you could practice at home as well. Use a measuring jug and measure out certain amounts of liquid. Also you could estimate the amount of liquid in different containers in the kitchen and then read what the volume is.

Maths - measures - capacity / volume

In Maths, we have been studying capacity / volume. We now know the difference between the two - ask us!

We discussed what we would measure in litres and millilitres (metric) as well as other units we have heard of e.g. gallons which are imperial measurements.

english - vocabulary

This year we have been working hard on improving our vocabulary. Every lesson Miss Liz writes up new words with their meaning. During our vocabulary lessons we have found synonyms for words such as angry, sad, walk, run and placed them on a continium. We have added these to our vocabulary wall as well. When we were writing and editing our narratives about the orangutans we used this wall of words to help us find more interesting vocabulary to use in the story.

english - editors

In English we have been writing a narrative based on the book 'Zoo'. We planned the four paragraphs and then wrote our story. As we wrote, we read our own sentences to edit and improve them. Next we peer edited; a partner read our work, check it made sense, identified mistakes and made suggestions for improvements.

Maths - measures

In Maths, we have studied measure: including length, finding the perimeter of 2D shapes and we began looking at mass (weight) this week.

We aslo discussed the correct uses of the words MASS and WEIGHT!

How many different measuring tools can you find in your house?

Reading scales at home would be a great way to practise this important skill. Why not measure the mass of different objects around the house? If you do not have scales - look at the 'weights' listed on food packets. Can you estimate the mass before weighing?

IPC - KNowledge Harvest 2

These are the next 7 statements about islands. Can you work out if they are true or false?

maths - length

This week we have learnt about choosing appropriate units of lngth to measure certain objects. Would we measure the football pitch in mm?

We also learn to measure lines accuratley in cm and mm with some of us using decimals. In addition to this we have learnt to convert (change) m to cm - mm.

What is wrong with the way the pencil is being measure in the picture on the left?

english vocabulary

We have learnt how to use a thesaurus to find synonmys or alternative words. However, we have also learnt that not ALL words are suitable for what we want to use them for. For example - would an orangutan 'seize' a fruit - most probably not. Seize might be used to describe a predator seizing it's prey. We have learnt to look carefully at the different ways words need to be used to ensure they are in the correct context.

world book day

Everyone enjoyed dressing up as a book character. We also voted on the best costume and the artwork that was completed at home. During the day we spoke about our favourite books and had a parade.

IPC - KNowledge Harvest

Individually we thought about the facts we knew about islands. Then in groups we tried to work out which statements were true or false. We had to agree as a group or put a question mark. Adults and siblings: why don't you try and work out which facts are true and false! The first 7 statements are here, more are coming later in the week.

English - Vocabulary for planning a story

In groups we came up with ideas to describe a character (orangutan) and the setting (rainforest) in preparation for planning our story. We used our previous learning about orangutans and the rainforest to help us. Each group had a scribe (writer) and a spokesperson (speaker) to share the groups ideas.

English - Guided Reading summarising a story

We read the book 'Gorilla' by Anthony Browne. We then had to summarise the story, making sure we only used the main points to explain what the story was about.

maths passport - Practise makes progress

This is just a reminder that the children must practise their Maths Passport targets every night for 10 minutes. When the chidlren know these number facts it makes their Maths learning in class much easier.

english - fact files

This week we have researched facts about orangutans to help us write a fact file. We used different sources including books and the internet. After identifying the main features of a fact file we annotated one so we could see what a good example looked like. We then verbalised and wrote our own fact files. We used the subheadings: appearance, diet, habitat and interesting facts.

IPC - Island Life

Welcome back everyone to Term 3.

The children are looking forward to their new IPC unit - Island Life. If you have any fabrics at home with different patterns on and you would not mind them being shown in school could you please send them in with the children asap.

Thank you.

IPC - Island Life - Entry Point

The children enjoyed part 1 of the Entry Point today. They had to imagine they were stuck on an island and using 'rafts' (hoops) they had to get their whole team to another island whilst avoiding the shark infested waters. They had to use many of their personal goals such as communcation and respect in order to solve the problem.

maths - Equivalent fractions

We have been learning about finding equivlalent fractions. We have used practical materials, pictures, a fraction wall, bar model and calculations to find equivalent fractions.

There are some websites for the children to further practise finding equivalent fractions on the Learning Portal, Maths Button, P4, Fractions, Equivalent Fractions.

Click the link HERE to get to the websites.