Who Are We

WHO WE ARE: Educators Rising is a career and technical education (CTE) movement that aims to inspire high school and college students to serve their communities by entering the field of education. By establishing a pathway starting in high school, Educators Rising assists districts in cultivating their own next generation of highly skilled educators through a “grow your own” initiative. 

MISSION: Educators Rising is cultivating a new generation of highly skilled educators by guiding young people on a path from high school through college and into their teaching careers. By working with aspiring educators who reflect the demographics of their communities and who are passionate about serving those communities through public education, Educators Rising is changing the face of teaching.

VISION: A clear pathway in every school district in America for young people who want to serve their communities as highly skilled educators.

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Arkansas Ed Rising Regions

Arkansas has  6 Regions.  Come and experience what it means to be an educator and how your region is raising up the next generation of educators. You will engage in hands-on activities, attend breakout sessions, meet with students and faculty, and take part in competitions.