Nice To Meet You!

Matthew Winters

UEN Instructor

Google Educator Group Utah Leader

Email -

Twitter - @TeacherWinters

Click the picture to the left and make a copy of the zine! We will get started in just a minute.

Get ready to get nerdy...

Creativity is the backbone of what I love about education. Getting students and teachers to explore their own creativity and how it can intersect with the content we are learning and sharing is such a JOY to me. To start this session, I want to introduce you to some of my favorite creative educators across the country:

Dan Ryder

Jacquie Gardy

Matt Dombrowski

Steve Isaacs

Erin Dowd

Micah Shippee

Jesse Lubinsky

Claudio Zavala Jr.

Station One - Game Your System

Using the Google Slides template to the right and the lesson or content area of your choice, please create a game box for a game about the content. It could be an FPS where you shoot the healthy foods in a cafeteria, an RTS about the battles in the Civil War, a rhythm game about delivering a famous speech. Feel free to use other design tools like Adobe or Canva, but make sure to put all your design work on the Google Slide. Also, feel free to make a copy for your classroom.

Station Two - In The Room

Using the Google Slides template to the left and the content of your choice, you are going to make a digital diorama. Maybe you want to tell the story of Lincoln's last night, or maybe a poster of great scientists in the 21st Century, or maybe how to design a project using a CAD program. The choice is yours! You can use any other design programs you want, including Adobe or Canva. Once you have completed your digital component, create a physical diorama using the carpet squares on this table.

Station Three - Apples to Apples

In Apples to Apples, you will use the Jamboard template to your left, 3-5 physical apples, and the content of your choice. Using Google Search, set a timer for five minutes. In that five minutes, using the Jamboard sticky notes, write as many ideas about your content area you can. Each sticky note should be a single idea. Once the five minutes are up, choose the 3-5 most essential concepts in your content area. Each apple is one of those important topics. Arrange the apples in how the concepts connect to each other. Write a quick reflection using the text tool on your Jamboard about how you connected the concepts together.

Station Four - Dinner Party

Using the Google Docs template, the supplies in front of you (sticky notes and a bottle), and your content area, you will develop a dinner party! You have invited three experts or primary sources in your content area to join you for a dinner party. The topic at hand is how to best teach your content area. Using this Google Doc as your template write down who you are inviting to the party and why. More instructions on the document.