Pulaski County Virtual Academy

Frequently Asked Questions


Will Virtual Virginia students follow the same academic calendar as the rest of Pulaski County Public School?

Yes, Virtual Virginia will follow the same schedule.


How do I enroll my child in Virtual Virginia?

Please email Tammy Harrell at tsharrell@pcva.us or call 540-994-2515. Please be ready to provide your child's name, grade, school, parent or guardian's phone number, email address and indicate if you have internet access.

What is the deadline to enroll in Virtual Virginia?

The deadline for enrollment is Friday, July 31st.

How will attendance be handled?

If I enroll my child in Virtual Virginia, can I move them back to face-to-face instruction at any time?

Enrollment is by semester, unless there are extenuating circumstances. If so, please contact Mary Rash at 540-994-2515.

If I choose face-to-face instruction, can I move them to Virtual Virginia at any time?

Due to the number of dedicated faculty members necessary to teach at the virtual academy, we ask that this be by semester, unless extenuating circumstances arise.

Will my child receive IEP, 504 and/or Gifted and Talented accommodations through Virtual Virginia?

Yes, case managers and teachers will contact you to determine the services that are appropriate for virtual learning.


Will the teacher reach out to the parent/guardian if the enrolled child is not participating in Virtual Virginia?


Will enrolled students follow a specific, daily schedule in Virtual Virginia?

Will students be able to take CTE courses if they enroll in Virtual Virginia?

Will my child still have opportunities for related arts courses in subjects like art and music?

What sort of curriculum options will be available (i.e., honors or gifted courses in ELA, math, science, SS?)

What is the minimum score to pass a course?

What about arts, humanities and other elective courses?

Will any language courses be available?


Does Virtual Virginia offer any individualized instruction and evaluation?

Extracurricular Activities

Will students enrolled in Virtual Virginia be allowed to participate in extracurricular activities (ex: sports or marching band) ?

As guidelines allow for certain extracurricular activities, students would have the opportunity to participate in after-school activities at their home school. Transportation will not be provided.


Will there be a cost for students to enroll in Virtual Virginia?

As we are a public school system, there is no cost for students to enroll in Virtual Virginia.

Is there an expected start time such as 8:00 AM?


Will there be flexibility in a student's pace of learning (can they move forward or are they limited to the pace of the class)?

Will teachers be accountable for having "live" instruction for students enrolled in Virtual Virginia?

Will students in Virtual Virginia be able to login to a live classroom?

Will young learners in Virtual Virginia have paper packets?

No, not unless they have accommodations that require this. The format being used can be printed at home. Students will receive their consumable math and reading books.

If my child is enrolled in Virtual Virginia, will they be provided with meals?

Peer Interactions

How will Virtual Virginia offer opportunities for my child to socialize, interact, and/or get to know fellow students during the school day?


How many hours per day will the children receive direct classroom video instruction from the teacher (or participate in live learning)?

Special Services

Will my child still be able to receive speech and other IEP services virtually?

Yes, special services as a result of an IEP would be provided virtually in accordance with individual student plans.

If my child receives physical or occupational therapy, how would that work if I decide to enroll my child in Virtual Virginia?

IEP services such as physical, occupational, and speech therapy may receive services through telehealth or other delivery options determined by the IEP team.

My child has an IEP and receives special services. Will my child be able to participate in Virtual Virginia?

Yes. Virtual Virginia is open for all students. This includes students with varying disabilities.


Will teachers in Virtual Virginia be responsible for classroom learning too?

Will virtual teachers be from your child's home school?

Not necessarily. Students will be assigned based on the numbers enrolled at each grade level to a teacher.

Will my child's Virtual Virginia teacher change after the first semester?

For secondary classes, perhaps. We hope that elementary teachers will remain constant.

Student Support

Would my student still have access to school counselors, if needed?

Yes. Social and emotional learning and connecting with students is important at all times. During this pandemic, we want to ensure contact and support from school counselors continues.

What kind of emotional support will there be for Virtual Virginia students?

What kind of resources are in place to help struggling students enrolled in Virtual Virginia?


We don't have a reliable internet, will the district help with that?

Will the district issue the equipment needed for Virtual Virginia participants?

Will the parent/guardian receive training in the Virtual Virginia program if their children are enrolled?

What will be the layout of Virtual Virginia? What services will the student use? Will it be Google Classroom? Zoom? Google Meet?