Sam Brooks

Supervisor of Personalized Learning


The mission of the Putnam County Future Ready VITAL program is to provide students with a high-quality, flexible, technology-based educational opportunity that allows them to maximize their potential to serve and participate productively in 21st-century society. The opportunity for anytime/anywhere learning gives our students and families the ability to personalize learning to meet their academic needs while supporting the district's goal of creating Future Ready Putnam County graduates. The VITAL Online School currently offers 3rd-12th grade class options for students residing in Putnam County.

Putnam County's Career and Technical Education (CTE) programs of study are meant to provide a relevant framework of industry-aligned, rigorous courses that progress a student in knowledge and skills year over year. They provide invaluable opportunities for students to experience a subject they are passionate about and explore interests that lead to post-secondary learning and future career paths. These sequenced courses also reflect and support the three-credit elective focus requirement for graduation. Level one courses are encouraged to be taken by students in ninth grade. The CTE program provides students the opportunity to gain knowledge and experience to  be better prepared for future career options.

Early postsecondary opportunities (EPSOs) include a course and/or exam that give students a chance to obtain postsecondary credit while still in high school. Courses (whether stand-alone or in conjunction with an exam for postsecondary credit) must be aligned to higher education standards. Early postsecondary opportunities ensure that students are ready to take advantage of education and training after high school. There are several types of early postsecondary opportunities available in Tennessee. View a side-by-side comparison on the chart above for each type of early postsecondary opportunity available in Tennessee. Early postsecondary offerings vary widely by school district and more information can be found HERE

Personalized Learning is an educational framework that supports all students as they seek to achieve the knowledge, skills, and characteristics identified in the profile of the Putnam County School System Graduate. By fostering student reflection and ownership of learning, targeting instruction based on student needs, using data to drive and inform instruction, and adopting flexible strategies and tools, PCSS gives students the opportunity to master standards while introducing them to future ready skills and resources. By accessing the PCSS Personalized Learning framework, each student’s educational experience is tailored to meet his/her unique strengths, needs, and goals.

We are expanding educational options for students by offering top-tier, personalized learning in the best facility ever created for learning – your home. Future Ready Home Connect is your complete solution for tuition-free K-8 online schooling.

For more info on how to enroll visit