Football team has high expectations for the season

Juliette Smith- Junior, Staff Writer

August 30, 2019

The Cavaliers look confident as they prepare for the 2019 season. Linebacker Coach Justin Qualls and a few of his players have high expectations for the team.

“We have a lot of talented players coming back this season. We went through a rebuilding process and I think the pieces are in place to have a successful season,” says Qualls.

Linebacker Rob Bontrager says, “I feel like we have a lot to prove from last season, but I am certain we will do just that.”

“Our team has great chemistry. We are really clicking,” says Quarterback Stockton Owen.

Defensive Lineman Cameron Harris assures that “If our team plays as a unit, as a family, then we will win games. Our team has so much talent that if we’re serious about winning games, we will win.”