Vision of Literacy

Our Definition of Literacy

Literacy is the ability to identify, understand, interpret, create, compute, and communicate using visual, audible, and digital materials across disciplines and in any context.

The ability to read, write, and communicate connects people to one another and empowers them to achieve things they never thought possible. Communication and connection are the basis of who we are and how we live together and interact with the world.

(International Literary Association, 2018)

What are Student Artifacts?

Students artifacts illustrate students working toward the Vision of Literacy. Students have frequent opportunities, in school, to read self- chosen texts to enjoy reading success, maintain interest, and increase stamina.

They benefit from a robust array of print and digital resources that are aligned with their current reading proficiency, interests, and fully representative of the diversity of human experience.

Student collaborate with teachers and peers to design their learning in developmentally appropriate ways to foster increased literacy independence.

What are Educator Artifacts?

Educator artifacts illustrate educators working toward the Vision of Literacy.

Educators model, promote, and celebrate engaged literacy practice. They provide models and instruction illustrating how literate individuals communicate in specific disciplines.

Provide literacy support within classroom instruction so that all students have rich, literate lives.

Value and promote multilingualism.

Provide daily opportunities for speaking, listening, reading, and writing to support academic and social language development.

Cultivate connections within the classroom, across the school and District, and with the local and global community to enrich students' literacy experiences.

Curate compelling print and digital resources that are appropriate to students' current skills, align to their interests, and expand their knowledge of the world and appreciation of human experience.