
If you have an idea, email Ms Fomuke!

Chill-Zone/Games/D&D: Mr. Jensen

 If words like Monopoly, Apples to Apples, Stratego, Magic the Gathering, Yogioh, and Sharknado gets you pumped up then this is likely the club for you Join us after school in the TMJH library any day for some board game play time!  All levels welcome:)   This includes chess and is offered any day Monday through Thursday. 

Gaming Club Update~ Rumor has it that if you can beat Mr. Jensen at Chess, he will buy you lunch.  It is unknown what happens if you lose…  Stay tuned! 

Academic Support: Mr. Rhodes and Ms. Maddux

All days both before school and Wednesdays/Thursdays after school.  Get help with: Homework, preparing for exams, and understanding.  You may also use this time for retakes when arranged  with your teacher BEFORE attending. 

Spanish Academic Support: Mr. Mendiola

If you are currently taking French and need some help, practice, or guidance this is the club for you.  Wednesdays after school in the Spring. 

Open Gym/Weightroom:

After a long day at school working your mind, come to the gym to work your body.  Move around after a day spent in a desk.   This is on Tuesdays and Thursdays in the Spring! 

AP GeoMr. Jeffrey

Starts right before the exam on Tuesdays and Thursdays. 

At the High School on Thursdays Nov 30th - though mid March.  The Technology Student Association (TSA) is a national student organization created to develop skills in science, technology, engineering, and mathematics (STEM) and business education. TSA aims to develop leadership, academic, and business management skills in the workplace among students and leaders within the community.

Come play some switch games to practice then compete against other schools.  Meets in the fishbowl off of the library. 

 Ms. Cox's room once a month to chat, do activities and bond:)