MASA Clubs in Action!
Mustang After School Academy Overview
The After School program at TMJH consists of two main components. Visit each component's web page under Programs for more information.
1. Mustang Academic Support (MAS)
Time and Schedule: The After School Program is available Monday - Thursday while school is in session. All programs start right after school and run until 4:00pm.
Daily Check-In: Each day they attend the after school program, students check-in with the after-school coordinator in the lunch room to receive snacks! After this, each club advisor will collect their students, and proceed to their assigned classroom or area for their club.
Snacks will be available in the lunch room for those who are attending the After School Program. Students should let their club advisor know if they are leaving early for attendance purposes.
Activity Bus: Currently unavailable due to driver shortages. Students must take public transportation or get a ride home.
Rules: The After School Program is an extension of the school day, and as such all policies stated in the Student Handbook continue to be in place. Please review our behavior policy and rules.
Cost: Thanks to a generous grant from the Park City Education Foundation, the majority of After School programs at TMJH are free to TMJH students.

Special thanks to Liam Snihurowych for filming & editing this awesome video!
Special thanks to the Park City Education Foundation for providing us with the grants that allow us to run MASA!