Outstanding Questions

Q: What was the relationship between gay men(+) & lesbian women(+) in the 90s?

A: A NYC study found that "Sexual identity and disclosure milestones, were measured across gender, sexual identity, race/ethnicity, and age cohort subgroups of the LGB sample. Men experienced most sexual identity milestones earlier than women, but they tended to take more time between milestones. LGBs in younger age cohorts experienced sexual identity milestones and disclosure milestones earlier than the older cohorts." All of this may have had an affect on the relationships between gays and lesbians. 

Q: What does it mean to be an anarchist?

A: Anarchism is a political philosophy and movement that is skeptical of all justifications for authority and seeks to abolish the institutions it claims maintain unnecessary coercion and hierarchy, typically including, though not necessarily limited to, governments, nation states, and capitalism.

Q: What is the show's timeline?

A: Below are all the time markers represented In the play