TOK Exhibitions

Theory of knowledge, or TOK, is a core element of the Diploma Program that provides students with an opportunity to explore and reflect on the nature of knowledge and the process of knowing. Students consider the beliefs, opinions, and understandings that they have developed during their years of academic studies and their lives outside of the classroom. These ideas are then fleshed out through different perspectives, and discussed at length. TOK is intended to challenge and empower students, and ultimately culminates in two assessments: the TOK Exhibition and the TOK Essay. 

The purpose of the Exhibition is to help students discover ways in which the concepts they've learned about in TOK manifest themselves in the world around us. To that end, students are required to choose one of the given prompts and find three specific objects that they can connect to the prompt. The written commentary they produce explores their thoughts regarding these connections, as well as their application of TOK concepts in real-world situations.