
My research interests span the areas of Artificial Intelligence and Robotics, Algorithms, Machine Learning. Recently, I've become interested in explainable AI, which is the science of illustrating decisions being made by artificial intelligence (AI) models and then using the interpretations to improve them. The ability to interpret AI models is crucial for safety-critical applications such as healthcare, autonomous driving, and criminal justice.

During my M.E I focused on the theory and mechanism of evading deep packet inspection with frequent element pattern matching. Especially, I explored how evasion is performed on features and efficient involvement of Deep Packer inspection process in scalable Network intrusion detection system with great accuracy.

I have also explored the task of sharing the battery wirelessly which was being awarded as a Best Paper Award for the paper titled “Wireless sharing of Battery for Mobile phones” in ICCUBEA 2017 - An IEEE conference .

During my teaching experience, I grew interest in quality research that was achieved through the remarkable achievement where my Research project titled “Smart system to monitor Heart Disease Patients in Unpredictable Environment” Selected for Final round of Avishkar 2019 which was a State Level Research Competition held at Gadchiroli, Maharashtra. This research project was gone through many peer reviews to get selected for Avishkar 2019.

With keen interest in Research my Copyright get granted for the title “Presentation on Design and analysis of algorithm” with the Diary No: 2148/2019-CO/L in the year 2019. Then I started to write funding proposal for Laboratory development under the guidance of Respected Dr. K. Rajeswari , HOD Computer Engg, Where we received funding of Amount 9,56,000/- that has been sanctioned by AICTE under MODROB Scheme(Modernization and Obselence) for the laboratory Artificial Intelligence, Robotics and Vision Lab with File No: F. No. 9-291/RFID/MOD/Policy-1/2018-19.

Then, I started to write funding proposal for Research Project Titled “Proximity-based Prediction of Threat of Infection and Control using Health Monitoring Fit-Band” under BRICS Scheme and Research Project Titled “Secure Remote Healthcare Cyber Physical System Using Blockchain Technology and Federated Learning” under scheme ASEAN. Recently, I submitted funding proposal on Research Project Titled “Automated Agriculture Spray Drone System using Artificial Intelligence” under Device Development Program, Department of Science and Technology (DST), India

For a more detailed description about the individual works please visit the Research publications page.