Vocabulary Practice


  • amplify /ˈæmplɪˌfaɪ/ verb : to make something louder or bigger; to make more of something

  • banal /bəˈnɑl/ adjective : boring because it is not new or original

  • dimness /ˈdɪmnəs/ noun : low or insufficient light

  • flicker /ˈflɪkər/ verb : to turn on and off, such as a light

  • glow /ɡloʊ/ verb : to shine with a soft light

  • melody /ˈmelədi/ noun : music; a tune or a song

  • sigh /saɪ/ noun : a slow breath out from disappointment, sadness, relaxation, or tiredness

  • solitary /ˈsɑləˌteri/ adjective : alone; without other people around

  • tragedy /ˈtrædʒədi/ noun : a very sad event when something very bad happens

  • withdrawal /wɪðˈdrɔəl/ noun : moving away from something or someone; to leave another person alone


Practice 01

Practice 02

Practice 03

Practice 04

Practice 05