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Wednesday, February 27th

PCC is closed because of snow in the morning. PCC will open at 12 pm, but we will not have class. We will have class on Friday, March 1st.

I have some new homework to do at home and on the phone, tablet, laptop, or computer.

  1. Finish reading another library book, and write your book report for February 27th. (Also, did you finish your book report for February 20th?)
  2. New ESOL News Oregon Reading, Listening, and Writing
  3. Practice new vocabulary on Spelling City.
  4. Grammar test practice review and answers

ESOL News Listening and Reading

Practice Grammar Test 2 (below)

example grammar quiz 2.docx
Homework List - ESOL 3 with Eric, Winter 2019

Listen: CD audio for our textbook

You can click below, or click this link.