Here are some procedural guidelines for tasks lecturers typically perform on iSIMS

1. View time table/schedule

Step 1: Log in to iSIMS.

Step 2: Go to Training/My Courses/Timetable .

You will see a list of all your scheduled courses. Days and times are highlighted on the right side of the page with an orange highlight tag.

2. View Class List (with contact information)

Step 1: Log in to iSIMS.

Step 2: Go to Training/My Courses/Timetable .

Step 3: Select the blue rectangle eg [class (23) ], for the class you wish to send an email to.

  • A new window will appear showing a list of all the students who have registered in that course along with their student ID, email address and contact phone number.

3. ENTERING grades

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Step 1: Log in to iSIMS.

Step 2: Go to Training/My Courses/Timetable .

Step 3: Select the blue rectangle eg [class (23) ], for the class for which you wish to upload grades.

  • A new window now appear showing your class list

Step 4: Select the Grades Setup Tab. If you have already completed Grades Setup go to step 5.

In Grades Setup enter the following:

  1. Percentage weight for each piece of coursework.

  2. Maximum score for each exam question

  3. Total maximum score for exam type questions (ETQs)

  4. Total maximum score for multiple choice questions (MCQs)

  5. Percentage weight for final exam/assessment

***Save changes once completed***

Grades may be entered on iSIMS using either: (1) direct method or (2) download gradesheet method


Step 5: Select the enter/upload grades tab directly above the list of names.

*** Save uploads***

Step 6: Download a copy of the gradesheet for your records.


Step 5: Select the blue button "Download Gradesheet" and save that file to your device.

Step 6: Retrieve the file from your device and enter grades for the students. Save the completed file.

Step 7: Follow steps 1 to 4 again. Select the gray "Choose File" button and select the saved file with the completed gradesheet.

Step 8: Select the blue "Upload" button.

4. Send email to your a class

Step 1: Log in to iSIMS.

Step 2: Go to Training/My Courses/Timetable .

Step 3: Select the blue rectangle eg [class (23) ], for the class you wish to send an email to.

  • A new window now appear showing your class list

Step 4: Select the send email tab directly above the list of names.

  • You send an email to the entire class or select specific student to receive the email. You may also attach a file by selecting the choose file button at the bottom of the page.

5. Take your attendance register

Step 1: Log in to iSIMS.

Step 2: Go to Training/Mark and View Attendance/Mark Attendance .

Step 3: Select the Mark (blue rectangle) for the course and session you wish to take the attendance for.

Step 4: Scroll down the page until you can see the option boxes to select the class date, start time and end time.

Step 5: Mark the register by checking absent, present or late for each student in the class.

Step 6: Select the blue button at the bottom of the page "Mark Register and Save Lesson Plan"

6. Issue assignment receipt

Step 1: Log in to iSIMS.

Step 2: Go to Training/Assignment Receipt .

Step 3: Enter the relevant filters at the top of the page: Semester, Lecturer then course.

Step 4: You must create the assignment before you can issue a receipt. Enter the relevant information for the assignment. Select create assignment button.

Step 5: Enter the relevant information for the student whose work has been submitted. Select the save assignment button.

Step 6: Select the send email tab directly above the list of names.