Em guitar chord and understanding a chord diagram.
Em guitar chord and understanding a chord diagram.
Em guitar chord and understanding a chord diagram.
One of the easiest guitar chords is E minor (Em).
The six vertical lines in this diagram represent the six strings on your guitar. The furthest left is the thickest string and the furthest right the thinnest.
The top horizontal line represents the nut on your guitar. The horizontal lines below it represent the metal frets on your guitar.
- Place the 2nd finger of your right hand behind the 2nd fret of your guitar and push down the ‘A’ string (5th string from the bottom).
- Place the 3rd finger of your right hand behind the 2nd fret of your guitar and push down the ‘D’ string (4th string from the bottom).
Then strum all six strings.
Below I have rotated the chord box onto its side so it matches the picture.