Travel & Lifestyle

Stanford Dish

The Dish is a popular area for hiking and jogging and is open to the public from approximately sunrise to sunset throughout the year.

Public Access Hours

May–August 6:00 a.m.—7:30 p.m.

Packing a Car Emergency Kit

Do you have a car emergency kit in the trunk of your car?

Emergencies can happen at any time, anywhere. That is why it is a great idea to create a car emergency kit so you will be prepared if they ever happen!

Here are some items you should pack when creating a car emergency kit:

  • A spare tire (that is inflated properly), jumper cables, and a car tool kit that includes a wheel wrench, a tripod jack, and a multipurpose utility tool.

  • Reflective triangles or brightly colored cloth to make your car more visible. You should also bring a reflective vest to make yourself more visible if you need to walk out of the car for any reason.

  • Food that is nonperishable and high-energy. Dried foods are great choices to pack. Some ideas would be dried fruit or hard candy. Also, pack water.

  • Don’t forget a first aid kit! Some items you should pack in a first aid kit are gauze, tape, bandages, and antibiotic ointment. You should also pack some aspirin, a blanket, tweezers, instant cold compresses, scissors, hydrocortisone, a thermometer, and a box of non-latex gloves.

  • A car cell phone charger to charge your cell phone with (if you have one or are traveling with someone who has one).

  • Duct tape

  • A rain poncho so you can stay dry during rainy weather.

If you are driving in colder weather, here are some additional items you should bring:

  • Warm clothes to stay warm in cold weather

  • Shovels

  • Snow brushes

  • Windshield washer fluid

  • Cat litter. This may sound like a strange item to bring, but cat litter provides traction to tires. If your car ever gets stuck in a snowbank or you are driving across a slippery section of road, cat litter can provide traction to your tires and help them move.

You should also keep phone numbers handy, such as phone numbers for your family, emergency phone numbers, and auto insurance or towing company phone numbers in case you ever need them. One place to store these would be on your cell phone.

Remember to check your car emergency kit every six months to replace expired or broken items.

Packing a car emergency kit ensures that you will always be prepared for an emergency while driving, so don’t forget to pack one as soon as you can.

Safe travels!

Liani R.


France is one of the largest countries in Europe, with a population of about 65 million people. France is divided into 6 major geographical regions, and the capital of France is Paris. France’s currency is the euro, and the official language of France is French.

There are many historical sites and popular tourist attractions in France. The Arc De Triomphe, which is a triumphal arch in Paris, was first built in 1806 by the command of the French emperor Napoleon. The Louvre is one of the largest museums in the world, and contains thousands of paintings, sculptures, and prehistoric objects. The Palace of Versailles is the largest palace in France, and contains centuries of history within its rooms. Don’t forget the Eiffel Tower, one of Paris’s most famous landmarks! Using either the lift or the staircase, you can go up to the first two levels of the tower. At night, the Eiffel Tower is lit up and looks stunning both up close and from afar.

Some French dishes to try are steak frites (steak and fries), French onion soup, bouillabaisse (a traditional French fish soup), ratatouille, and croque monsieur (a ham and cheese toast). If you have a sweet tooth, you might enjoy Paris-brest (a pastry ring filled with praline flavored cream), Crème brûlée (baked custard topped with a melted sugar crust), and French macarons. If you are very adventurous with tasting food, you might also want to try escargot (cooked snails)!

Finally, there are several fun activities to do in France! Of course, you can explore Paris and the other cities, towns, and provinces in France, and visit the fascinating historical sights and museums there, but you can also go wildlife watching. Some animals you might see are the ibex, wild horses, yaks, the chamois (a goat-antelope species), and marmots (large ground squirrels). Dolphin-watching and whale-watching near the ocean is also very fun. In the French Alps, a mountain range in Europe, you can go skiing and there are lots of ski schools and resorts there. Canoeing, kayaking, and mountain biking are also great activities to do in France.

Clearly, as you can see, France is an amazing country with both fascinating history and gorgeous natural wonders, delicious food, and a list of countless fun activities to do when traveling there - and France is also filled with so many wonderful, unforgettable experiences!

Liani R.

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