Megan Christopher

Megan Christopher was nominated as an Associate Justice of the Probate and Family Court

(vice The Honorable Robert Langlois February 23, 2011)

Judicial Nomination Commission Application


Governor's Council Questionnaire



The hearing is scheduled for Wednesday March 14 . 2012


Charles Oliver Cipollini - District 1

Marilyn M. Petitto Devaney - District 3

Jen Caissie - District 7

Marilyn M. Petitto Devaney - District 3 presided

Speaking for the nominee were

The Honorable Theodore Donnelly

The Honorable Edward Ginsburg

Nailze Lima

Elizabeth Soule

Daniel Daley

Jeremiah Dickenson

Attorney Christopher's witnesses pointed out that she is uniquely experienced to work with the poor coming into our court systems.

A complaint was made that too many litigants are coming into our court system expecting the televised version of Divorce Court, not what the our courts actually are.

Attorney Christopher was discribed as someone who can take complex issues and make them understandable.

Speaking in opposition:

Peter Hill

Concerned was raised about individuals due process rights with regards to 209a proceedings.

Furthermore concern was expressed about 209a's being used to take one parent away from children.

Addressing the issue of tracking custody decisions Attorney Christopher stated that it was an issue that was too difficult to attempt.

Attorney Christopher acknowledged that she represented more women than men.

Attorney Christopher stated that shared legal custody is the presumption.

As to shared legal custody Attorney Christopher said parents at lease need to be able to share basic information.

Attorney Christopher observed that fathers are becoming more involved in their children's lives.

Attorney Christopher stated that she did not believe it was a crime to be an undocumented immigrant.

When asked why should a parent have joint legal taken away from them Attorney Christopher stated it would depend on the facts of the case and she would decided based on the best interest standard.

When asked about the standard used when deciding if a parent may move away with children, Attorney Christopher stated that there is a primary parent standard.

Attorney Christopher opined that interacting with your children through a computer is not all that bad.