
Identity and Belonging

Emily Dickinson: American Poet 1830-1886

Poem by Emily Dickinson 1807

I am the only me! - I’m different from you!I am somebody !

I’m always the best me!

There’s not another just like me!

I’m proud to be who I am

I want the world to see - just how special I can be


I think I might be a nobody too?

Maybe we could start a nobody zoo!

Perhaps we could become sobodies soon?

Late it does grow - here comes the moon!

I’m tired now - may we rest?

Tomorrow I promise to try my best!

One day I’ll be somebody like the rest -

But for now I retire into my nest!


I’m somebody who’s loved

One who has support

I have a name. Do you?

I haven’t got a clue as to why you don’t want to be a who

Why be something that only judges?

Is it funny to be something that hopes, feels and dreams?

Don’t think of me as you

Think of who you ought to be


Sometimes I feel like nobody…

Who are you? Who am I?

I am me, I am strong

I am confident

So don’t tell me who I am!

I am ME and always will BE!


I’m lonely. What are you?

Do you feel lonely too?

Then we feel the same!

Don’t show! They’d ask, you know?

How painful it is to be lonely!

How sore -- like a punch in the face-

To feel one's loneliness

To a dark room


I’m Somebody! Alexis Vasquez!

Are you-somebody-too!

Then there’s a pair of us!

Do tell! They’d advertise!

How deary it would be to be nobody!

How lonely-like a turtle-

To tell one’s name and have no one know it

How lonely!


Being somebody is nothing

Then again somebody is something

If you’re something then you’re known

And being known is dreary

Because being known isn’t all it seems to be.


I think I might be a nobody too?

Maybe we could start a nobody zoo!

Perhaps we could become sobodies soon?

Late it does grow - here comes the moon!

I’m tired now - may we rest?

Tomorrow I promise to try my best!

One day I’ll be somebody like the rest -

But for now I retire into my nest


I’m Grace Wright, and I’m somebody!

Known and not known

Someone who’s not a clone.

Seen by others

But not to the extent of being bothered.

I hope you can enjoy the company of others

Not alone lonesomely undercover.


If I’m nobody & your nobody

Then who is somebody?

Somebody - knows!

dreary is somebody I impose!

Public like a frog -

Admiring as a bog!

As true as a fact can come by -

This one - is no lie!


I’m somebody! Who are you?

Are you somebody too?

If so, then there's a lot of us.

How odd to be nobody!


I’m somebody who’s loved

One who has support

I have a name. Do you?

I haven’t got a clue as to why you don’t want to be a who

Why be something that only judges?

Is it funny to be something that hopes, feels and dreams?

Don’t think of me as you

Think of who you ought to be


That is something I cannot say

Not even to this day

What makes me, Me?

To you am I somebody?

I am someone different to everybody, so then

what makes me, Me?

Is it what she sees of me? Is it what he sees of me?

Or is it what I see of me?

Maybe even perhaps what the important souls see of me.

Or just from the subconscious

It’s something I do not know, something I can’t even tell you



I guess I’m Nobody. I’d say that’s true.

For most of the time at least.

Sometimes I’ll croak like the froggy beast.

But the bog just let’s me sink.

Which it has yet to not do.

So I’m a Nobody I think.

It’s quiet when you're not Someone.

And for that I’ll jump the brink


I'm somebody, who are you?

Are you – somebody – too?

Then there's a pair of us!

Don't tell! they'd advertise – you know!

How nice – to be – Somebody!

Do tell! they'd advertise –

How nice to be somebody!

  • Miranda