College & Career Readiness Resources

Explore parts 1, 2, and 3 below which include resources for guiding students through self awareness, post-secondary research, and skill building activities.

Part 1: self awareness

Students dive into self awareness through multiple assessments and interest surveys. Throughout the semester, they complete Find Your Grind curriculum (we use the 9 unit version) and explore passions, mentors, and potential careers on that platform. Other online learning style surveys, birth charts, and personality quizzes can be utilized depending on student interest and engagement.

Find Your Grind

*Paid subscription for full curriculum access; anyone can complete the personality assessment linked above. PCS staff/student Link


Based on Myers-Briggs. Personality assessment that includes sections on school, work, and relationships for each personality type. Worksheet

American Dream Quiz 

You’ll find out what factors were working in your favor and what you had to overcome to get where you are today. Also available: My Dream Team.

Communication Style Quiz

Your Communication Style is your enduring, persistent, communication patterns across a variety of situations - it's how people relate to each other.

Natal (Birth) Chart

Use time and location of birth to identify planetary influences (related to astrology and horoscopes).

ACES Questionnaire

Adverse childhood experiences questionnaire for teens. More ACES and toxic stress info.

Values Bracket

Students define and discuss each value while deciding which is more important to their lives and priorities, then write an acrostic poem for the champion value.

Rate My Life Quiz

Results illustrate students' perception of their health/happiness/connection in a variety of categories.

Part 2: Post-Secondary research

Students begin connecting what they learned about their personality and interests in the self-awareness activities to career and post-secondary research. They'll take career and skill interest surveys, and complete a career research project and a college & training research project. Other resources such as BANZAI's College & Career Readiness units can augment these activities, depending on student interest and engagement.

Explore Careers Quiz

Results connect to real American employers to help high school students learn what job suits them.

My Next Move

Interactive tool for students to learn about career options; includes tasks, skills, salary information, and more for over 900 different careers.

O*NET Online

Interest Profiler connects students to comprehensive data about careers and the preparation needed for success.

Gladeo Bay Area

A career navigation platform for the greater Bay Area, CA. Career interest QUIZ.

School to work pathways infographics


Platform for educators to teach subjects from financial literacy to digital citizenship and career and college readiness. Create an account, create a class, assign a course, and share the code with students.

CTE Career Guide Magazine

2023-24 Digital Version - scroll to the bottom, then enter full screen mode. Ton of information on all industry sectors, including average pay, growth rate, and education or training needed.

Charting Your Career: Interest Inventory

*Paid bundle of 3 fold brochure for student industry sector interest survey.

Worksheet [template]

Capture student results and research on career interests and survey results.

College Research resource: Big Future via College Board.

Part 3: Skill Building

Students actively engage in skill building activities focusing on 21st century skills, goal-settings, crafting resumés and cover letters, and portfolio-building to reflect on progress and prepare for success in high school and beyond (post-secondary college, training, and careers).

21st Century Skills

Article defining skills; long list of 21st century skills. Good place to start research and reflection.

New World of Work 21st Century Skills

Youtube playlist of NWOW videos for each 21st Century skill. Worksheet template for reflection (adapt for each skill)

Google Applied Digital Skills

Flexible, video-based, project-based lessons focusing on: communication, collaboration, creativity, and critical thinking.

HP Life

Business-skills training program for students, entrepreneurs, and lifelong learners all over the world.


Module includes guidelines, template, and sample. Google Applied Digital Skills also includes a resumé writing activity.


Sample student portfolio using Google Sites. 

Another option for student portfolios is Cirkled In.

Howdou by Canopy

Workspace Skills is a series of interactive tutorials that help students and teachers make the most from Google Workspace for Education. Chrome Extension.

Soft Skills AHA

*Paid curriculum licenses using an online platform to introduce and grow soft skill literacy. AHA videos: Youtube Playlist of short video lessons on life skills.