Peer Communication

Peer Communication Syllabus

Peer Communication Syllabus

How to make a Peer Program

What is Peer Communication?

Peer Communication is a class on campus that serves to help with the social-emotional climate of our campus. Peer Communication does the following to serve our Bearcat Community:

  • One-on-one: Peer Communicators work one-on-one with students who need to talk with someone. Tutoring services are also available.

  • Conflict Mediation: This service is meant to help friend groups resolve small issues.

  • Community Service Hours: Peer Communicators are required to serve in our community to help humans, the environment, and/or animals locally.

  • Bearcats Care: An on campus anti-bullying conference led by students.

  • Holiday Bin Project: Every winter, the Peer Communicators lead the campus on fundraising for 5-8 local families in need before the winter break.

  • Special Olympics: Peer Communicators help and coach Special Olympic athletes in the annual Special Olympics.