
Research is important to learn about new things or expand your knowledge. Here you will find resources for research including free resources and those that the LTC program has subscribed to.

Questions regarding these should be directed to Mrs. Houslet.

Information on how to cite your sources. 

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Click here to go directly to the Middle School resource page.

Badgerlink is a FREE resource for all residents of Wisconsin. It has access to numerous databases for students in grades K-12 and adults. If accessing from home, you will need a current library card number.

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Click here to go directly to the High School resource page.

BrainPop has many short animated movies on various subjects.

Flocabulary is a K-12 rescource that puts information to song.

A 4-8 database collection about key concepts related to People, Social Studies, Science, States, and American Indians. 

A 3-12 resource for cultural information on the countries of the world. 

A 4-8 database for research on multiple areas.

Background and analysis on 360+ leading issues database for 6-12.