General Biology

This course is designed as a basic course in Biology.  We will cover the topics and information you will need to pass the Biology Keystones in May.  

We will do most of the required reading as a class or in small groups, read along and ask questions about anything you do not fully understand.  I will provide noteguides that we will complete as a class, a copy of these completed noteguides will be available in Google ClassRoom if you miss class.  A copy of the powerpoints from class will also be available on Google ClassRoom.

We will have a significant amount of classwork that is graded, any that is not finished during class becomes homework.  There will be StudyIsland assignments as homework every week, these will be worth 20 points each.    StudyIslands will close and lock on the due date so make sure they are done on time, all other assignments will be docked 50% if late.

Google Classroom

Daily Lesson Plans  and Assignments