How to Apply for an Internship

Are you interested in getting an internship on your schedule for Junior/ Senior Year? 

Step 1: Course Selection  (January/ February )---You may add an Internship to your schedule for your Junior/ Senior year during course selection. This does not guarantee you an Internship -- You must continue to follow the steps below 

Step 2: Schedule a Meeting (March- June) --- Talk to a guidance counselor to make sure an internship is right for you 

Step 3: Ensure Internship is on Schedule (June) --- Before leaving school for the summer on the last day, look at classes on your schedule for next year. Is internship on it? GREAT, if not talk to your guidance counselor. 

Step 4: Find a Business Mentor ( June - August/ January (depending on when the course is scheduled)) --- It is up to you to find a mentor who is willing to "host" you as an intern.  Look at these employers who have previously had an intern.  Look at these Employers who stated they would be interested in having an intern. 

Step 5: Fill out the Application (August/ January BEFORE class starts) --- Application 

Step 6: Sign the Internship Contract (August/ January BEFORE class starts)--- Internship Contract 

Step 7: Get Parent Permission Slip Signed (August/ January BEFORE class starts)---Parent Permission Slip

Step 8: Come to the Meeting First day of School (August/ January)--- Submit the Paperwork, discuss course requirements with the teacher, and other administrative tasks