Fulbright Distinguished Awards in Teaching 2018-2019

On January 19th, 2019, I arrived in Helsinki to begin my 5-month Fulbright experience. I had the honor of being one of only nine U.S. teachers to be selected to travel to Finland through the Fulbright Distinguished Awards in Teaching Program in 2018-2019. Funded by the U.S. Department of State and the J. William Fulbright Foreign Scholarship Board, we were to complete an inquiry project, take courses, share our expertise with local teachers and students, and engage in action planning to implement what we learn on the program when we return home.

Hosted by the University of the Arts Helsinki, Sibelius Academy, I had an opportunity to meet their exceptional faculty, audit classes, interview students and teachers, take advantage of their beautiful facilities (libraries, rehearsal rooms), attend numerous seminars, lectures, presentations, concerts, and so much more. I had access to the best that the Finnish music education could offer. I was about to begin the most fulfilling, life-changing, awe-inspiring, and transformational experience of my life.

This website is dedicated to my Fulbright Distinguished Award in Teaching research in Finland from January - June 2019 and is a work in progress. I hope that teachers in every discipline will find something valuable here that will serve as a guide to best practices in education from Finland.
