
19th March 2021

Тhe students and teachers of Dante Alighieri High School, Romania, participated in a very interesting and informative conference session on the topic of Food Allergies and Allergens. The students discussed the causes, symptoms, treatment and prevention of the most frequent food allergies and allergens.

In the frames of the project, on the 26th of March, Balvi vocational and general education secondary school, held the conference on allergies. The conference was organised and held by the biology teacher Mrs. Iluta Balule.

29th March

The students in Alparslan Anatolian High School hosted a virtual conference on food allergy. It was presented by a group of three students. At the conference they talked about its syptoms, causes, effects and potential treatments.

29th March

The students from First Private Mathematical Gymnasium, Sofia held a conference on allergies. In teams, they researched food allergies and endemic plants for natural treatment and showed the results to their peers and teachers.

29th March

The students of John Paul's II gymnasium in Lithuania held an educational conference on allergies, where they spoke about symptoms and cause of allergies, how to treat and prevent it, what are the most popular types and the role of endemic plants. Since the disease is really wide spread nowadays, all the participants got a lot of useful information on this topic that can help them in the future.

16th April

The students of Balvi Vocational and general education secondary school, participated in virtual seminar on safety during physical activities. The seminar was held by the sport teachers Mr Gatis Stepanovs and Mrs Iluta Balule.

23rd April

The students of Dante Alighieri High School, Bucharest Romania participated in a webinar on safety during physical activities. The seminar was very useful and interesting for all participants, who discussed the most important safety guidelines to avoid sports-related injuries so they can enjoy practising their chosen sport safely and in good health.

On 28th April, Alparslan Anatolian High School held a seminar focusing on safety during physical activity.