
Partanna, 11/02/22, "Dante Alighieri High School"

Science Clil project on "How to follow a healthy diet avoiding eating disorders" with the Science Teacher.

Partanna, 22/02/22, IISS"F. D'Aguirre- D. Alighieri"

The second workshop meeting within the Erasmus Project "Health for body" took place today at the D'Aguirre Alighieri Institute. The students of the classes of the Human Sciences High School of Partanna listened to the life testimony of their peer, Giada, who still lives the tragedy of anorexia after six years. A particularly engaging and exciting experience that adds to the numerous activities of a project designed to raise awareness about eating disorders aimed at enhancing differences, inclusion and socialization.

Healthy eating habits Seminar, today (26.01) in Dante Alighieri High School Bucharest

On 29 December, we held a conference on Healthy Eating Habits at Alparslan Anatolian High School:

A virtual school conference dedicated to healthy eating habits took place on December 13th in First Private Mathematical Gymnasium. The event is part of the Erasmus+ Health For Body Project’s scheduled activities aiming at popularizing healthy eating lifestyle among teenagers. Orgainised and conducted primarily by our Chemistry teacher Mrs Tatiana Dimitrova, the conference united middle school and high school students to present their research on the topic. They talked about good and bad eating habits, as well as eating disorders caused by psychological problems, which is admittedly an age-relevant topic. The questions raised by the participants provoked a discussion with the guests amongst whom were our students and their parents. The participants proved that their knowledge on the subject is considerable since they have studied different aspects of these issues in Science classes taught by Tatiana Dimitrova and Mariana Dimitrova. The conference was just another opportunity for our students to show their awareness towards healthy eating and the importance it has for building up young people’s lifestyle and self-esteem.