First Private Mathematcal Gymnasium

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First Private Mathematical Gymnasium

First Private Mathematical Gymnasium, Sofia, Bulgaria is a private mathematical school with extended learning of mathematics, IT and English. There are 400 students, ranging from the age of 12 to 19 years old and 36 teachers. The main goal of the school is to develop students’ knowledge not only in mathematics but also to make them creative personalities. Our students have taken part in lots of national and international competitions in Mathematics, Astronomy, Physics, Mathematical Linguistics and Informatics and have won lots of certificates, bronze, silver and gold medals. They are also active participants in other projects related to science: Young Energy, Play Energy and EGS (Energy, Education, Governance, School) aimed at saving energy and the environment and establishing the energy management system at school. For the last 10 years, our students actively participated in different types of activities and projects, national and international, related to Science and the Environment. Here is a brief description of some of them: International Children’s Ecological Forum Green Planet, second prize; Second prize in the National stage of Balkan Environment Competition; Second Prize in the International School Project on energy, Climate and Environment SPARE; A second prize in the international Educational Project CO2 Detectives. A second prize in the National Science and Ecology Competition; A European school panel for involving local communities in energy efficiency programs; a Comenius project Energy is Life held with Srednja poklicna in strokovna šola Krško 2011-2013; An annual campaign “We recycle and think green”. In 2018 a 28-month Erasmus+ project “Responsible traveller values the diversity of people, cultures, and environment” was successfully completed. In 2011 an Eco-club “Friends of Nature” was founded at school. Its aims are: to protect the environment; to implement an energy management system at school; to educate students, parents and the local community about environmental issues. As part of its actions, students adopted an eco-path in Vitosha Mountain (a mountain next to Sofia) and take care of it, cleaning the area and helping the wild animals. The students are involved in a number of after school activities, too. They have a Cinema Academia club, do a lot of sport, and take part in different charity actions. For the last four years, we have been holding a project “Eating in Balance – Health in Advance” and working hard on creating healthy lifestyle habits for our students.

The Bulgarian team of students participating in the project: