Artificial Intelligence in Education
When is it okay to use Al tools such as ChatGPT in your studies?
Sometimes, your teachers may permit you to use Al tools to compare or double-check your understanding of a topic but be sure to follow their instructions on how these tools can be used. Be wary of their outputs, as Al tools are not always reliable and the information they produce may be inaccurate or wrong. While this use is not considered plagiarism, we recommend you seek help from your teachers or other forms of academic support provided by the school rather than rely on information that may not be correct. Contacting your teacher is the best place to seek clarification or double-check your understanding of a topic you did not completely understand.
(Source: Adapted from the University of Wollongong student handbook)
When is it not okay to use ChatGPT?
You must not use any Al tool, including ChatGPT, to produce your assessable work for you. Using Al tools to derive and submit responses to assignment questions in place of your own work is a form of plagiarism. Remember, there are no 'degrees' of plagiarism. It is either entirely your work or it is not. Similarly using Al tools to assist you with completing assessments when not permissible and/or without referencing would also constitute plagiarism. Your teachers (via Canvas) use tools and techniques to detect plagiarism and there can be serious consequences for academic misconduct. If in doubt, always ask your teacher.
(Source: Adapted from the University of Wollongong student handbook)
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