Year 10 Sports Science

Elements of a Training Session

Mrs Smith & Mr Barry

The first problem was, 'Elements of a Training Session'. This unit investigates the four types of aerobic training- continuous, Fartlek, aerobic interval and circuit training. Students examined the importance of a warm up and cool down and they applied their understanding of aerobic training when designing a program for different age and ability groups. The second problem was, ' Sports Injuries'. In this unit, students investigated different types of sports injuries and how to classify them, also how to manage soft and hard tissue injuries. Students were posed the problem that was, 'Should athletes continue play and push through despite their injuries?'.

- Mrs Smith

Pound for Pound SSC Challenge

Mr Barry & Mrs Smith

For our practical component of the course, students participated in a 'Pound for Pound SSC Challenge'. They were set challenges via Flipgrid whereby students counted how many exercises/movements they could complete within 90 seconds. Activities such as planks, squats, burpees, lateral cone jumps and yoga poses ensured there was a serious challenge to be had! Well done to all students who rose to the challenge!

- Mrs Smith

Above is a website called 'flipgrid' where students posted their videos. To access these videos, please scroll on the mini-website above and click on the video you wish to view.