Student Written ebooks on SORA

Student writers publishing on SORA

Overview of process

  1. Students create an ebook using Pages on the iPad or the Mac using the instructions below.

A template is provided to help schools as well as an example and video of how one teacher supported her students writing creating their own ebook using Pages.

  1. Teachers with students ensure that the ebook includes the required content (foreword from the teacher, student author names, creative content license included, concluding statement from Principal) as specified in the slides below.

  2. Schools select quality student written ebooks to be put forward to CEDP LEX Library to be published to SORA. Using the form attached teachers share the students book in Pages format and provide the details required via the form.

  3. LEX Library will then review the selected digital books for inclusion in SORA and will contact the teacher to discuss/arrange.

Creating epubs - Sudent written ebooks on SORA

Steps for schools

  1. Use the slideshow adjacent for information on how to create ebooks to be uploaded on SORA,

  2. See template/sample ebook and video below for support.

  3. Complete your book using Pages preferred* on a Mac or iPad so that we can export to ePub for publishing. (Some applications, like Book Creator are not compatible with Overdrive). * Some school have used tried using Word initially (as that is what the student had access to) and then converted it into Pages, but there is often a problem with the transfer. So Pages is recommended.

  4. Ensure all student artwork/illustrations included in the pages book are JPEG or PNG files and are the students own work.

  5. Once the ebook is ready, teachers complete the following form to submit the information about the book and upload the pages file to a shared drive indicated in the form:

Form to submit student ebook to be published to SORA

Sample ebook created by St Anthony's Primary, Girraween

Here is a template on Pages.

*You will need to download these Pages files to your Mac or ipad to access (Sample to be uploaded)

Teacher Librarian Belinda Martin from St Anthony's Girraween discusses how she used pages with her students to support their creation of a digital book that was then published to SORA.

See examples of St Anthony's Girraween series of student written ebooks published in the SORA ebook platform here.