Shelter's and fire

How to create a simple shelter

If you don’t know how to build a shelter I am going to tell you how create a simple shelter.

Step 1: Find a tree ( Tree in good condition not rotting)

Step 2: Find 13 big pieces of wood (Light enough for you to carry)

Step 3: lean the 13 big pieces of wood against the tree that you found each piece of wood

Step 4: Find some big leaves or bush and put them on top the hut

Step 5: Dig a hole to sit in it (optional)

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How to make an advanced shelter

I am going to tell you how to make a advanced shelter.

Step 1: Find some big pieces of wood.

Step 2: Put them in a Igloo shape.

Step 3: Then get some flax and tie it them together then dig the other ends of the sticks in the ground.

Step 4: Find some bush and leaves and put them around the structure.

Step 5: Then get some wood and put them beside each other and then tie them all together.

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How to make a fire

Step 1: Find some sticks

Step 2: Put the sticks in a teepee shape

Step 3: Find two different types of stones

Step 4: Rub the stones together

Step 5: When the two stones create a spark throw tiny sticks and old bush in the teepee shape

Step 6: Lightly blow on the fire

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