Greek Mythology

Week 1: September 8 - 11

Tuesday, September 8th / Wednesday, September 9th

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Welcome to Mythology! I hope you find this class fun and educational. Please watch the introduction to Greek mythology video and then play the Kahoot! to see what you already know.

Thursday, September 10

Today, you will watch the documentary, Seven Wonders of Ancient Greece. Take notes as you watch. Record the name of each wonder as well as three interesting facts you learn. You may not finish the entire documentary. You will have time tomorrow to do so.

Friday, September 11

creation story video.webm

Today, you will first finish whatever you have left of the Seven Wonders of Ancient Greece documentary. Then, you need to watch the video to the left in which I tell the creation story according to the people of ancient Greece. When you are done listening, try to retell the story (even if it's aloud to yourself). This will help you remember the important parts of the story.

Week Two: September 14 - 18

Monday, September 14

Today, you will be reading a little about each of the important gods in Greek mythology. While reading pages 20-50 in your text, fill in the note sheet on Google Classroom.

Tuesday, September 15

Today, you will read about two Greek gods, Demeter and Dionysus, that lived on Earth. Read pages 51-75 in your text and answer the questions on your worksheet.