
Mr. Joubert

Not Just a Math Teacher...

Design | Make | Game | Innovate | Collaborate | Think | Learn

Coordinator of Innovation & Technology, Design Thinking and Math Teacher

Mr. Joubert likes to make, create, and tinker using many different mediums. He is always seeking ways to innovate and re-imagine everything around him. He grew up playing sports and video games all the time! He also developed an interest for all things techie. With all this in mind, his most recent venture is engaging and motivating students through gamification, GBL, PBL, and design thinking, while looking to inspire others to do so as well!

Through his years as an educator, Mr. Joubert has worn several hats and has always strived to be a forward thinker. As a math teacher, his goal has always been to create a positive learning environment that provides students with a safe, cooperative, and inclusive learning experience. An environment that builds confidence in math and where students are encouraged to always try their best, but if faced with failure, to embrace it as a learning opportunity. Mr. Joubert has also made it his goal to create learning experiences and offer support to students and teachers alike, that fosters creative thinking, problem-solving, and collaboration.

As a Coordinator of Innovation and Technology, his goal is to introduce and support faculty and students through the transition into more 21st century, tech driven classrooms. Mr. Joubert helps them find and facilitate learning activities that require new, innovative, and unfamiliar tech or tools. Of course, this approach also applies to his own students, as Mr. Joubert infuses educational technology into his curriculum as a tool for creation, collaboration, accessing and sharing of information.

With experience in ESE Education, Mr. Joubert's background also includes catering to a diverse learning community of students who benefit from more individualized support programs. As a math teacher, his focus is to provide structure and support that fosters confidence in math, while also helping students become successful independent learners. To facilitate students in achieving these goals, Mr. Joubert coaches students from day one on areas such as organization, planning, note-taking, study strategies, and more specific to math; expressing their mathematical understanding in a multi-modal manner using written, visual, and verbal communication.

A personal goal of Mr. Joubert has been to be an innovator and forward thinker in education. To reimagine the way classroom instruction and even the learning environments should be. Some of his initiatives have been the introduction of gamification and the design process to help engage and motivate students in a more meaningful way. Mr. Joubert has also helped champion the maker movement in education along with creating 21st century learning experiences and projects for students that help them become "future ready".

Not just an Educator...

Father | Techie | Traveler | Gamer | Astrophile | Autocrosser | Athlete | Venezuelan

Contact Mr. Joubert

When parents and educators work in sync, there is no better partnership for a student's success! Feel free to contact me at AJoubert@parkmaitland.org with any questions or concerns.