Read to Lead FAQ's

Read to Lead FAQs

(Frequently Asked Questions)

Q: What is Club Read to Lead?

A: It is our school-wide reading incentive program where students earn Brag Tags after choosing 10 reading activities (days) from the Read to Lead Calendar and filling out the corresponding days on the Reading Log. You must also turn in the Reading Log to Mrs. Talbert with a parent signature at the bottom.

Here is an example of a Read to Lead Calendar.

Here is an example of a Read to lead Reading Log.

Read to Lead will start in September and will continue through April.

Q: Where can I access Read to Lead?

A: Read to Lead is located on Mrs. Talbert’s website. Here is the link:

Please consider bookmarking this page for easy reference! Read to Lead will be posted every week in the Week at A glance (WAG).

I will also post to Seesaw for the lower grades and Google Classroom for the older

Grades. A Library News/Read to Lead link will also be posted in the school’s weekly newsletter.

Q: What is a Brag Tag?

A: A Brag Tag is a cute tag that you can hang from your backpack or book bag.

You can earn a new and different Brag Tag each month!

Collect them all! (Brag Tag examples above).

Q: What if I don’t have these books at home?

A: Great question! There are a ton of options to choose from:

• Don’t forget to use Epic! Epic! is an app that can also be used online. There are over 40,000 books to choose from! This app is free during school hours, but requires a subscription outside of school hours. At this time school hours are Monday-Friday 7am-3pm.

• Plan ahead and check out books from the school library.

• Visit your local library. Also, many libraries have free eBooks. Some libraries will even deliver books to your house! Try the Libby and/or the Hoopla app. These work in conjunction with your local library and have thousands of eBooks and audiobooks.

• Kindle Unlimited is an option. This is a subscription service by Amazon with over a million eBooks and thousands of audiobooks to choose from.

• Try “Googling” a book title. Many times, books are available on or other websites for free.

Storyline Online is a fantastic children’s literacy website featuring celebrities reading children’s


Q: What if my child is not quite reading yet?

A: No worries! Books can be read, read to, or read with. :-)

Q: Do I have to do the activity listed on that specific day? For example, if September 1st

says to “write a kind letter”. Do I have to do this on September 1st, or can I do this when my family has the time?

A: You can do any activity on any day. Just make sure to pick 10 different activities in order to earn a Brag Tag for the month, and don’t forget to fill out the Reading Log and get a parent signature!

Q: Who can participate in Club Read to Lead?

A: Everyone! All students in all grades can earn Brag Tags. We hope you will continue to participate every month! Big kids can participate too! The younger students love to know that their older mentors are readers and leaders!

Q: Is Club Read to Lead required?

A: Although Club Read to Lead is not required, we would hope that every student would like to

participate. What a fun way to get the entire family reading! As we all know, reading gives you

knowledge and knowledge is power!

Q: What do I do with my Reading Log?

A: First of all, make sure the student includes their name, grade and color group. Then, get a parent to sign the Reading Log at the bottom. For younger students, take a picture of your Reading Log and send it to Mrs. Talbert through Seesaw. Older students can use Google Classroom. You can also email it to Mrs. Talbert: Please DO NOT turn in a physical paper to Mrs. Talbert or any other teacher. 🙂

Q: When will Calendars/Reading Logs be posted?

A: They will be posted on or before the 1st of each month.

Q: When are the Reading Logs due?

A: At the end of every month. For example, September’s Reading Log is due by September 30th. You may turn your papers in anytime throughout the month. If you finish early, feel free to turn it in early. Be sure to turn in on Seesaw or Google Classroom, or Mrs. Talbert’s email.

Q: Can my daily reading for my reading class count towards Club Read to Lead calendar


A: Of course! We want you to have fun with reading while earning Brag Tags at the same time!

Q: When it says read a book about “pandas” for instance, do I have to read an entire book about pandas?

A: No, the expectation is to read for approximately 20 minutes each night. It would be appropriate to read an entire picture book, but certainly not expected for non-fiction. Read enough to satisfy the 20 minutes, and learn a fact or two!

Q: What if I participate every month? Is there a prize for that?

A: Yes! Students who complete 10 activities every month and return their Reading Log to Mrs.

Talbert will get to join me for an end of the year celebration!

Q: Can I do EVERY activity EVERY month?

A: You most certainly can! Students in previous years have earned a trophy for completing

every single activity in every month! That’s a lot of reading!

If you have any questions that are not answered here, feel free to email me and I will try to get back

to you as soon as possible.

Christine Talbert

Media Specialist