Springhouse Middle School Yearbook

2019-2020 Yearbooks are now on SALE!

You can order yours using the link below or by submitting an order form along with payment directly to Christmas City Studio.

All books ordered by the May 7th deadline will receive FREE student name personalization on the cover!


We are offering home delivery for anyone who purchases a yearbook. There is an additional cost of $5, but yearbooks are expected to arrive earlier with home delivery than in-person pickup. This option is available regardless of when you make your purchase. If you have already placed an order, you can logon and add home delivery to your order. If you have not yet purchased a yearbook, you can add this option at the time of your purchase. As a reminder, the last day to order yearbooks is Thursday, May 7. To order a yearbook or add home delivery use the following link:


Enter Password: SMSYB20

Although home delivery is not required, it is highly encouraged. If you choose to do in-person pickup, it will coincide with your child’s locker cleanout date after the building is reopened. This date is not yet established, and if you choose this option, you will most likely receive your yearbook later than those who choose home delivery.

Please keep a copy of your receipt from the online transaction or make note of your check number to confirm order until books are delivered.


  • I think I ordered a yearbook, but I am not sure. Is there a way to check before the order deadline?

You may email the yearbook advisor or contact Christmas City Studio directly at 610-691-2109 to request confirmation of order. Please be sure to include the following in the request to expedite the process:

        • Student's Name
        • Grade Level
        • Parent/Guardian Name

  • I forgot to order a yearbook before the May 1st deadline. Can I still get one?

There will be a LIMITED number of books available at the end of the school year. They will be sold on a first come, first serve basis for $35.00 cash or check. Checks must be made out to Springhouse Middle School! Listen for details during homeroom.

***APRIL UPDATE:Due to the current situation there will NOT be any additional book available. All books must be pre-ordered!!***

  • I ordered a yearbook, but did not receive one after delivery. What should I do?

Please email the yearbook advisor along with the following information:

        • Student Name
        • Grade Level and Homeroom
        • Parent or Guardian Name
        • Proof of purchase (cancelled check number or online receipt)