Running the PPI activity

Here’s some advice about what to do during the activity

As people arrive

Whether you are meeting face-to-face, virtually or by phone, make sure you welcome people individually as they arrive - Offer people refreshments (if the activity is face-to-face) or just make sure you say hello to each person as they join, if the activity is virtual or by phone.

At the beginning of the activity

Do some introductions

Cover any housekeeping (where the toilets are, what happens if there is a fire alarm etc. if the meeting is face-to-face, or how people should indicate if they want to speak if you are meeting virtually)

Explain how the activity will work

Bradford University PHD Dementia Research Students 19.10.16  Students in the research environment and with the community group Meri Yaadain.

During the activity

Keep things informal

Take time to explain what your research is about and how you are doing it (e.g. using animals etc) – don’t be afraid to repeat information that you shared in advance, as people may not have understood it or may not have read it.

Use plain English and explain any terms that people may not understand.

Remember that it can take time for people to feel comfortable enough to share their experience or their views

Keep people’s access needs in mind – e.g. if people need to take a break, make sure you take a break

Make it clear that you are listening – do this through body language, taking notes, repeating back key points etc.

Be flexible with your agenda but make sure you cover all of the key questions that you have

At the end of the activity

Ensure you finish on time or earlier than the time stated – do not finish late

Tell people when they can expect to hear from you.

Thank people for their time

Make sure you deal with expenses claims and payment claims before people leave (either physically or virtually), or explain how and when you will do this