Evaluation and dissemination

At this stage, PPI could help you to:

  • Reflect on the results of your research

  • Share the results of your research in plain English

  • Think about what to research next

Example: Parkinson's UK

Parkinson’s UK has a number of Research Interest Groups (RIGs), which are made up of people affected by Parkinson's and researchers. The groups meet regularly to co-ordinate and share opportunities for people to get involved in activities in Parkinson's research. The groups also shape the design of studies and organise events to share research findings.

For example, for the past nine years the East Midlands RIG has organised an annual event to help local researchers to share the progress and findings of their studies with people affected by Parkinson's in the area. Members of the RIG decide what content they think will be of interest to the local Parkinson's community and ensure that the information that will be shared at the event is accessible.

The most recent event the group ran was 'Parkinson’s progress explained: From basic research to tips to optimise wellness'. It is important to the group that lab-based research is part of the event to highlight the range of research that is happening - studies looking to improve life with Parkinson's now as well as further our fundamental understanding of the condition.