Online- Distance Learning Resources

Student Access to Mavericks Schoology Team Hub

To enroll, click “Courses” in the black Navigation bar along the top then click “My Courses” along the right side, then click “Join Course” and enter the following code: M966-BJ9S-3PBFW

Parent Access to Schoology

  1. Access your Schoology Parent Code in Infinite Campus: Click "More" on left navigation bar, then choose "Schoology Parent Access" from the list of choices.

  2. Enter your access code here.

  3. When you sign in to Schoology, in order to see your student's courses, you must click on the drop-down arrow next to your name in the top right, then choose to view your student's dashboard.

  4. To see student courses, click "Courses" and you'll have access to everything they see in their Schoology courses.