Line Creek 

Library Media Center

Meet Mrs. Holub

My name is Mrs. Holub.  I'm Line Creek's  library media specialist (I also answer to librarian, library-teacher, and library lady). This is my 6th year as a library media specialist and 21s year of teaching. When I'm not reading, I love to run, watch SKC win, and hang with my family. I can't wait to support you as a learner, reader, and a maker this year!

Meet Mrs. Carlson

Hi! I am the media center assistant, Mrs. Carlson.  I help students find and check out the books they want in the library. I help teachers with the distribution of their textbooks. I've worked in Park Hill for 19 years. 

Book Circulation 

Makerspace Needs:


A Makerspace is a place in which people with shared interests, especially in computing or technology, can gather to work on projects while sharing ideas, equipment, and knowledge.  (Definitions from Oxford Languages)

The LC library is our makspace hub.  Makerspaces allow us to explore, create new things, or improve things that already exist.  Our instructional time during library will  often focus on providing students with access and experience with our some of our makerspace tools and materials. 

Occationally, we will ask for materials or supply donations used in our makerspace for specific projects through the Line Creek Newsletter. 

ebooks and Audio Books - Click to access ebooks and audiobooks through Sora/Overdrive.

The purpose of this page is to create a place of access for Line Creek Students, Teachers, and Families.  All resources posted on this site are for your enjoyment or to support your learning. If you have any questions, comments, or want to share what you read or created, feel free to contact Mrs. Holub at or 816-359-6430.