Weekly Challenges

Every week, we will have a new challenge for students (and their families) to try!

Each challenge submission (via dropbox, lesson update or email; school@parkertheatre.org) will count as one tally. If we get 100 tallies by June 1st, the coaches will record themselves getting a pie to the face!

Participate often! If you missed a week, you can send your submission to us at any time.


Prop Improv (CHallenge #8)

Character Sound Effect (Challenge #7)

Karaoke! (Challenge #6)

Pick one of the songs below! You can either sing along to it, create a dance to it or lip sync with it. We can't wait to see and hear about your challenge. Email us your song at school@parkertheatre.org.

Cartoon CopyCat (Challenge #5)

Can you copy the cartoon?

Pick one of the scenes (or part of one of the scenes) below to recreate as a cartoon copycat! If you don't see your favorite cartoon here, feel free to choose your own clip. For an extra tally, try to recreate the character's voice too!

Email us your scene at school@parkertheatre.org

Choreograph a Dance! (Challenge #4)

Time to show us your moves!

This week's challenge is choreograph a dance to "We're All in this Together" from High School Musical. You can choreograph a section or the whole song! We can't wait to see what you come up with.

Email us your dance at school@parkertheatre.org

Object Monologue (Challenge #3)

Video tutorial for challenge #3: Object Monologue. What interesting object will you choose?

Movie Scenes for the Mannequin Challenge (Challenge #2)

Choose one of the scenes below and create a tableau (a frozen picture) with props and people at home!

For full instructions, watch the video tutorial above!

Tongue Twisters for "Say What?" (CHallenge #1)

Try the challenge with these tongue twisters!

  1. Peter Piper picked a peck of pickled peppers

  2. I saw a kitten in the kitchen eating chicken

  3. You know New York. You need New York. You know you need unique New York.

  4. If a dog chews shoes, whose shoes does he choose?

  5. Willie’s really weary

  6. We surely shall see the sun shine soon

  7. The rural juror reassures her

  8. Eddie edited it

  9. He threw three free throws

  10. Nine nice night nurses nursing nicely

  11. So this is the Sushi Chef

  12. Four fine fresh fish for you

  13. Which witch is which?

  14. Red leather, yellow leather, lavender leather

  15. Chester cheetah chews a chunk of cheddar cheese