
Please contact Superintendent Shane Ogden at (307) 868-2501 for more information regarding the district report card or to request this information in a different language.

Park County School District #16 is a part of the Wyoming Accountability System. You can obtain additional information on the state accountability system and how accountability is determined by clicking HERE.

Elementary & Middle School

High School

To determine how schools are performing, several indicators are used. All schools are held accountable for Achievement, Growth, and English Learner Progress. Additionally, elementary and middle schools use Equity as an indicator, and high schools use Graduation Rate and Post-Secondary Readiness. Different measures are used for each indicator:

- Achievement is measured using the statewide assessment, the Wyoming Test of Proficiency and Progress (WY-TOPP).

- Growth is measured by comparing how students did on WY-TOPP compared to how they did on prior statewide assessments.

- English Learner Progress is measured by how well students learning the English language improve on an assessment of English.

- Equity is measured by focusing heavily on the growth of the students who scored the lowest on prior statewide assessments.

- Graduation Rate is measured by the percent of students that graduated in four years in the prior school year.

- Post-Secondary Readiness is measured by the percent of students that demonstrate readiness for college or career.

The cut scores were set by being broken into thirds for all Wyoming schools. The bottom third of scores are Below Average, the middle third of scores are Average, and the top third of scores are Above Average.Schools are scored for every indicator that represents at least ten students. Scores of 1, 2, and 3 are given for Below Average, Average, and Above Average, respectively. The scores are averaged and the lowest scoring school are identified for support to help them improve their performance.

District Accountability Results

Elementary and Middle School

High School