

1995 - Accreditation to supervize research (HDR), University of Nice Sophia-Antipolis

1992 - PhD thesis in Economics. Credit Rationning : an empirical study on French companies (1980-1990), University of Nice Sophia-Antipolis, with distinction: mention Très Nonorable avec félicitations du jury

Responsibilities and scientific coordination

1 - Scientific committees and editorial boards

- Guest editor for Small Business Economics, Regional Studies, Annals of Regional Science, International Regional Science Review, Revue d'Economie industrielle, Revue d'Economie Financière, Journal of Innovation Economics and Management, Revue Internationale PME

- Associate editor for Revue d'Economie Industrielle ; Journal of Innovation Economics and Management (until 2018) ; Revue Internationale PME

- Member of the scientific Committee of several international conferences: Economics of Insolvency Laws, 2017, ZEW Mannheim, Germany; 3rd International conference on Dynamics of Entrepreneurship, 2016, ZEW Mannheim, Germany; 13th International Conference on Artificial Intelligence DCAI 2016, University of Seville, Spain; 3rd International Meeting in Law & Economics, 2017 & 2016, Paris, France; Congrès International Francophone sur la PME, 2016, Trois-Rivière, Canada ; Workshop on Bankruptcy institutions, corporate insolvency and entrepreneurship, 2015, University of Torino, Italie; Forum Innovation VI - Crisis, Innovation and Transition, 2014, Paris-La Défense, France, etc.

2 - Administration

- Scientific responsible of several research programs funded by French public institutions (Ministry of Economics, Ministry of Reserach and Higher Education, Ministry of overseas regions, Prime Minister services, French Public Investment Bank, etc.)

- Member of recruitment committee for several French universities (Paris Sorbonne, Paris Nanterre, Paris Nord, Paris Est Créteil, Compiègne, Lille, Dijon, Nice, Toulon, Rennes 2, etc.)

- Elected member of the administrative board of EconomiX (2012-2020)

- Member of the selection board for the lecturers of the Department of Economics, university Paris Nanterre

3. Expertises for Public and international institutions

2020 - 2021 Expert for the program Microenterprses in Algeria, International Labor Office

2219 – 2021 Expert, member of the Steering group on evaluation at Bpifrance

2017 – 2019 Expert, member of the Research and Innovation Observatory (RIO) network,
European Commission's Joint Research Centre

2014 – 19 Member of the Scientific committee of the French public investment bank

2014 – 19 Expert in several groups for France Stratégie, Prime Minister Service

2013 – Member of the delegation for the National Inclusive Entrepreneurship
Programmes, OECD-DG Employment, Social Affairs and Inclusion

2013 – 16 Member of the Steering Group on « Benchmarking policies for stronger SME
performance », OECD Working Party on SMEs and Entrepreneurship

Comprehensive Curriculum Vitae in English and in French
