How do I reconcile my bank account?

This report will provide you with the FULL breakdown of every single product that was purchased as part of each order; useful if you want to split monies paid across multiple cost centres.

If you use multiple bank accounts with ParentMail, the below report must be generated per account. This means that you will very quickly be able to cross check our reports against what has been paid in to each of your bank accounts.

To generate your report, you will need to go to Reports > Payment Reports and then select the ‘Reconciliation Report’ option.

When generating this report, you will be asked to select a bank account and a date range. This will be based on the date of submission (when we paid the money to you). Please note; there will be a 3 – 4 working day delay between the submission date and when the funds arrive in your bank account.

Select ‘Generate Report’, and then once it is ready – you can click on the green ‘CSV’ button to download the file.

If you select a date range which covers multiple settlement batches, the report will be subtotalled per batch; as per the below screenshot. We will pay the NET amount in green into your verified bank account. You can see the breakdown of the charges and VAT on each of the transaction and the total net amount to be paid to you.

If you have any difficulties reconciling, please contact us on Live Chat.