How do I download a list of students and their PMX ID codes?

Within ParentMail, click ‘Reports’ from the menu. This will expand into two sub-tabs named: General Reports and Payment Reports. Click ‘General Reports’ to find a list of reports you can generate to extract different information you need. Click on the ‘Parent/Student Export’ tab in the list.

You will then find the description: When you generate a new report, any existing reports listed will be deleted and replaced with the new one. Click ‘Generate Report’ and you will be notified when it’s ready. Return to this page to view it.

Click the ‘Generate Report’ button, this will take a minute or two to generate the report.

Click OK and you will be notified when the report has been generated. Underneath the Download heading, you will have two options: CSV and PDF. Click onto the CSV green button, this will then automatically download or first ask you to save the file. Once you have opened this download, you will see a list of students and their PMX ID’s, the heading will be called ‘StudentIDs’.

How to download a list of students and their PMX ID codes.mp4