How do I generate a report?

You may want to view a report to find out specific information.

To do this, click into the Reports tab from the left hand menu.

Here will be listed options for General Reports and Payment Reports, if you are using Online Payments.

To generate a report, find and click onto the report you would like to view and then hit Generate Report.

You can wait for a few minutes and refresh your browser (F5) or wait to receive an email which will let you know your email has been generated.

After this, in the same exact place, you will find the download methods. Whether this is CSV, PDF or both. Click onto the button and it will download the report to your browser.

Please note: When you generate a new report, any existing reports listed will be deleted and replaced with the new one.

Please note: Always generate a new report to view updated information regarding the specific report. If you run a report today and click the download for the report tomorrow, it will show old data.