About Tom Marshall

Tom Marshall is a former teacher of Grades 3 and 4, and staff developer at the Teachers College Reading & Writing Project at Columbia University. He is currently principal of Stony Lane Elementary School in Paramus, New Jersey, and the founder of Littogether Learning Communities.

Tom conducts staff development in literacy and leadership, teaches after school workshops, leads a course for literacy coaches, coordinates the Littogether Teacher Leader Project, and is the founder of the New Jersey Literacy Leaders' Network, a group of over 200 principals from all over Northern and Central New Jersey who want to study together ways in which to support and supervise good teaching and learning in reading and writing. He runs the Littogether Think Tank, a group of teachers, coaches, and principals who meet regularly to explore new ideas in the practice of teaching.

Tom has presented at NCTE, NJIRA, and other organizations, and served as the chair of NCTE's Elementary Section Nominating Committee in 2013. He is the recipient of NCTE/CEL's 2017 Innovative Leadership Award, and the author of Reclaiming the Principalship, Instructional Leadership Strategies to Engage Your School Community and Focus on Learning ​(Heinemann 2018).

Follow Tom on Twitter @tomlittogether