
President- Joelle Diaz

Vice President- Luz Palacio

Corsaires Rep- Laura Jacobo

Secretary/Treasurer- Abril Santana
Hello! My name is Abril and I've been in choir for one year and this year I will be part of Corsaires as an officer. As the secretary my job would be handing the information such as: -Responsible for all attendance at after school events, -Maintain records of items/papers turned in, -Take notes at officer meetings , among other things. For me choir has been my favorite class since I think that choir has been a safe place I can be without been overwhelmed by my other classes.

Thank you for joining choir and I hope that we can work together to make choir a better place for everyone.

Activities Coordinator/PR/Media- Mariah Acosta

Previous Officers:

President- Sandra Gomez
Vice President- Joelle Diaz
Secretary/Treasurer- Saira Casian
Activities Coordinator- Andrea Saucedo

President- Andres
Vice President- Sandra Gomez
Activities Coordinators-

President- Tamara
Vice President- Andres
Activities Coordinator-